Let's see... where did I leave off? The show at Jerry's Pizza was ridiculous. All the bands had great sets but I don't think anyone was prepared for what happened during our set. There were so many kids pushing their way up onto the stage (keep in mind it was like 6 inches tall) that we were all being asphyxiated between their bodies and our equipment. That made it 4 near-death experience shows on this tour so far due to venues that are way too small for us to survive playing. We've way outgrown the draw we had even 6 months ago, it's scary. Going into this tour we were all wondering why our booking agent continues to book us at these tiny venues that force us to endanger our lives just by playing. Still can't figure it out but it's frustrating to us and the kids who are trying to enjoy the show. Mikey's drums were getting knocked over, the mics kept cutting out, all we could hear was noise, it was like 100 degrees, and the walls were sweating just as much as everyone in the room. Disgusting. Once again, the best shows are the hardest to play. Afterwards we got down on some sick parking lot mosh with the 2*Sweet dudes and hit up Del Taco.
The Petaluma show was at The Phoenix Theater. I got to hang with some friends for a day and the show was alright but I never really enjoy our North Bay shows. There's always an awkward vibe and that definitely applied to this show as well. There was a poster for an upcoming Gallagher gig on the front door to The Phoenix though, that was kinda cool. During our set Donald threw a watermelon onstage during our set and Jordan slipped on it haha shit was everywhere. It was Dan's birthday so he was completely wasted when we played and kept fucking up while everyone watched and laughed. He didn't remember any of it the next day.San Diego was the last night of the tour, we played Soma. We filled out the small room and the show went off, it was way fun. Falcon and Zaira came to the show and hung out and after the show all the bands had a good parking lot mosh session.
All in all it was a good tour. Not long enough, but it's always nice touring with nothing but friends.